We are unique and so is your child!
At All Kids Dental Group we believe in providing true comprehensive Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics.
Dr. Renzi and Dr. House provide a dental home for your child--whether your child is comfortable at the dentist, requiring nothing more than routine dental cleanings, or if your child has special needs, finding dentistry stressful or requiring complex complex dental care. Most children's dental needs fall somewhere in between. Just as your child changes, his or her dental needs can change over time. Our Doctors have the experience and expertise to provide dental care that is customized to your unique child. We believe that Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics should not be a "cookie cutter" approach to each individual.
Dr. Renzi and Dr. House have the expertise to provide a customized, comprehensive dental program in a friendly, compassionate setting. With over 55 years of combined experience, our Doctors also have the knowledge and experience that comes from many years of practice. Our Doctors and team build relationships with our patients and families as we work to achieve a beautiful, healthy, well-functioning smile for your unique child. We embrace new technology and have always been at the leading edge in incorporating technology that will improve care for our patients.
We take dental care seriously, but we believe that children should have a fun, positive experience in the dental setting. Our Doctors and staff use various techniques to make coming to the Dentist something that your child gladly anticipates. In fact, we hear from many of our parents “I don’t understand it, but my kids look forward to coming to the Dentist”.
NEW PATIENTS CLICK HERE to learn about appointments & payment options as well as find answers to frequently asked questions, download patient forms & more.
Call (951) 672-9666 or Request Appointment! Please click on the tabs to learn more about our practice and to learn what sets us apart from other Pediatric Dentistry practices.
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All Kids Dental Group
Just above Urgent Care
27168 Newport Rd, Suite 3
Menifee, CA 92584
Phone: 951-672-9666
Fax: 951-672-7666